Sep 29, 2008


Like Hex, but lines of friendly stones may push, abalone-wise, smaller lines of adversary stones by exactly their length difference.

If any stones block the full length of a push, the push stops there. A line may push its own length into empty space. Stones pushed off the edge disappear from the game. No friendly stones may be pushed.  Swap option exists.

Sample Game
    OO    XX
 1. p4    p6    
 2. j6    l6    
 3. r6    n6    
 4. q5    o7    
 5. r4    n8    
 6. m9    n8s3  
 7. o5    m7    
 8. m5    s5    
 9. q3    m8    
10. n4    q7    
11. k5    u5
12. q3t6  o7s3  
13. p4v4   u7
14. s7     u5
15. q3     v8
16. p4     k9
17. n4     j10
18. s1     w7
19. n4v4:  s9
20. r8     t6v4:
21. q9     l6v6  
22. Resigns

Final Position:

 \ . . . . . . . . . o \            1
  \ . . . . . . . . o o \           2
   \ . . . . . . . o x . \ X        3
    \ . . . . . . o o o x \ X       4
     \ . . . o o o x o x . \        5
     X\ . . o , , x x x o . \       6
      X\ . . . x . x o x x . \      7
        \ . . x . . o . x . . \     8
         \ . x o . o x . . . . \    9  
          \ x . . . . . . . . . \  10

This game presents an Abalano-like mutator which seems to provide new games. Notice however that this mutator does not use the Abalone rule, since phalanxes can shift more than one cell (based on the difference between the pushed and pushing phalanx).

Sep 16, 2008


With 1 2 2 2.. modifier, each player picks 2 numbers from the available
number list, crossing them off afterwards.  He may place these numbers
anywhere in his board lists, at most 3 per list, or in an opponent list,
at most one per list.  Once 24 numbers have been entered, scoring is done
as follows:-  the row totals are added for each player, but only
the LARGEST PRIME FACTOR of this is entered as the row total.
The player of the 8th number may not make a tied contest there.

Whoever wins the majority of the three pile contests, wins the game.
USEFUL PRIMES: 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 57 59 61 67 71 73 79 83

Sample Game:

J starts:
25, 24 23, 22 21, 20 19, 18 17, 16 15, 12 1, 14 6, 7 3,
11 13, 5 10, 9 4 & B wins (it was the player's only option)

              player   oppt   score  winner
Board A:  B: 24 23  6    7      5
""""""":  J: 25 12  5   13     11      J

Board B:  B: 20 19 14    3      7      B
""""""":  J: 22 21 ..    9        

Board C:  B: 16 15 11    1     43      B    
""""""":  J: 18 17 10    4      7

Available numbers: 8  2

This is a very interesting number game. The last moves may become very demanding because each player must search a winning combination in a set of options big enough to be explored.