Feb 10, 2010


This is an adaptation of a 2003 commercial game called "Hey! That's My Fish!" designed by Alvydas Jakeliunas and Günter Cornett (*). This new rule set simplifies the game and makes it more interesting.

Rules: 12* move series on a hex-hex board of size 6. The first 3 moves on each side are to place a penguin on an empty cell. After that, the penguins move queenwise, and are not allowed to land on or pass over any other penguin or blank cell. The two moves in a series must be with different penguins. When a penguin moves it leaves the cell behind blank (eaten). If a player cannot complete a legal move, his opponent wins.

Game Sample:

      ooo       xxx
1.  --  l7    j5  o4    
2.  m2  h5    f7  o4m6
3.  k4  i4    r5  n7
4.  m8  l3    p3  c4
5.  o6  e4    n1  p9
6.  q6  l9    d5  n11
7.  j7  l11   m10 e6
8.  p1  lk10  q10 h1
9.  u6  kg6   t7  f3
10.  s6  c8    r7  i8

Final Position:

:   abcdefghijklmnopqrstu  
:        .   . .           1
:       . . . .   . .      2
:      . x . .   .   .     3
:       o .     .   . .    4
:    .   .     . . .   .   5
:   . .   o . .       o    6
:    . .   .       . x     7
:       . . x .   . . .    8
:      . . . .   .   .     9
:       . . .     .       10
:        . . .     .      11
:   abcdefghijklmnopqrstu

(*) the original rules are: There is a hex board where each cell (fish) valuse 1, 2 or 3 points. Then (1) initially, take turns placing your penguins on tiles with a single fish. (2) move a penguin in a straight line of tiles and pick up the tile you just vacated, (3) if a penguin cannot move, remove it. Check Boardgeek for more information