Dec 5, 2005

Election Games (4/4)


On each move fill a cell with your symbol; then (optionally): (a) move a piece from one large triangle to the corresponding empty cell on another, or (b) to the corresponding empty cell on a neighboring small triangle, or (c) to an adjacent empty cell in the same small triangle.

Two friendly cells in a small triangle win that triangle for the player.
Two won small triangles in the same large triangle win that for the player.
Two won large triangles for a player win the game.

Notation as in SEIRPINSKI ELECTIONS including ‘-’ to represent a move of type (a), ‘:’ a move of type (b), and ‘.’ a move of type (c)

Game sample:

      J’s           B’s  
1.  111  -       222   -
2.  331  -       121  222-3
3.  231  -       333  322:3
4.  322  331:2   311  332:1
5.  123  322-1   132  121:3
6.  112  321:3   211  132-3
7.  233  331-2   resign

            j .            
          .     b        
         j j   . .        
      b \         / b    
     . . \       / b .    
          \     /        
   j     j \   / .     -  
  . .   . j \ / . .   b b

So, this game mixes the election goal with a restricted move feature, so that players may reuse their dropped stones. The game converges to an end, since on every turn, a stone is dropped, and eventually the board is full. When that happens, there is always a winner.

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