Hop Chess
0. Same as FIDE except:
1. On each turn, each player must do both the following actions:
1.1. Move a friendly chess piece; then
1.2. Move his hopper to any empty square
2. If a chess piece moves onto a hopper (of either color),
it must move again (it's invalid to return to the initial square).
2.1. Kings cannot move onto a hopper, nor castle across one.
2.2. If the piece cannot move after the hopper, the move is invalid.
2.3. If a queen lands on a hopper, it continues with the same type of
movement that it used to get there (ie, both orthogonal or
both diagonal moves).
2.4. En-passant is still possible, but not if either pawn moves twice
3. Initially, the hoppers start off-board.
White's first move is restricted to a piece move only.
* When moving the hopper, the player may place it where it was.
He does not have to change the place of his hopper every turn.
* Pieces may move over hoppers.
* A piece may execute two hops, if it moves from one hopper to another.
* A hopper extends the moving/capturing range of pieces,
so a King may be under check via one or both hoppers.
* It is not possible to capture more than one piece per move,
since hoppers are always on empty squares.
* A pawn may promote onto a hopper and then the player must move
the promoted piece. Example (@ white hopper, # black hopper)
r . b q k b n r Some valid moves:
p p . . p p p p Bc8-f5-e4
. . n p . . . . d2-d4:c5
. . p . . # . . Nc6-d4-f5:g3
. . . @ . . . .
. . . . . . O .
R N B Q K . N R
A game:
1. e4 Nf6 d5
2. d4 d3 e6 b4+
3. Nc3 g5 Be7 b4
4. B:f6 e5 e:d4 b4
5. Q:d4 e5 g:f6 b4
6. e:f6 e4 Na6 c5
7. f:e7 d5 c:d4 b4
8. e:Q+ f3 K:Q e8+
9. Nce2 f3 d3 b4
10. c:d3 c1 Nd4+ e8
11. Kd2 h3 N:b2 c4+
12. Kc2 a4 Na3+ e6
13. Kb3 c1 Re5 a5
14. Ne4 c6+ Ke8 e3+
15. N:e5 c6 a5 a4+
16. K:a3 b1 b5 b4+
17. B:b5 e1 resign
r . b . k . . .
. . . p . p . p
. . . . . . . .
p B . . N . . .
. # . . . . . .
K . . . . . . .
O . . . . O O O
R . . . @ . N R
Even though the existence of hoppers makes the opening and middle game much more attack-oriented, and also the distant endgame, it dies NOT seem to be the case for most K & P endgames, even with a minor piece or two. The reason is, that the weaker side can use his hopper to stop the stronger king from ever making a breakthrough into the enemy area, as usually happens in endgames. So there are SOME games at least that are harder to win in the hopper version. But not many.
I invented this game during last Xmas while I had nothing to do but having a set of chess and checkers in front of me. The hopper was born one minute after I placed one white and one black checker on the initial chess board.
Despite its non noble origins, I do think this is a very good game.
This was loveely to read
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