Sep 10, 2015


2 Asalto-like Games for 2 Players © Fred Horn  1982

Game I: Board and Startposition:

 Goal for White: To occupy all squares in the KASTEEL or To immobilize all Black Pawns so they cannot move.
Goal for Black: To reduce the amount of attacker-Pawns to 5 or less.

  • White begins, than Turns alternate.
  • In his Turn White moves 1 Pawn 1 square to an adjacent empty square left or above.
  • In his Turn Black moves 1 of his Pawns along a straight line in any direction over empty squares to land on an empty square.
  • When Black can jump over a White Pawn during his move and land on an empty square after the Pawn, this Pawn is captured and removed directly from the Board.
  • When Black starting from that square again can jump over a Black Pawn he can do so and also capture this one and remove it, and so on till he cannot capture a Pawn.
Game II: Board and Startposition:

Goal for White: or To occupy all squares in the KASTEEL or To immobilize the Black King so he cannot move anymore.

Goal for Black: To reduce the amount of –attacker-Pawns to 3 or less.

  • White begins, than Turns alternate.
  • In his Turn White moves 1 Pawn 1 square to an adjacent empty square left or above.
  • In his Turn Black moves 1 of his Pawns along a straight line in any direction over empty squares to land on an empty square.
  • When Black can jump over a White Pawn during his move and land on an empty square after the Pawn, this Pawn is captured and removed directly from the Board.
  • When Black starting from that square again can jump over a Black Pawn he can do so and also capture this one and remove it, and so on till he cannot capture a Pawn.
  • Next to moving a Pawn, Black may also move his King 1 square in any direction within the KASTEEL. The King cannot capture.

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