Not Made in Germany
Fred Horn sent me this old board game that he found in the collection at Slot Zuylen nearby the town of Utrecht.
The game is for two players, each moving in turn.
There are nine pieces required on each side, each piece having a letter or a flag on it, and they must be placed along the first row of squares, so as to form the words 'england' on one side, and 'germany' on the other, with a flag at both ends of each word.
setup from original rules
Each piece moves one square in any direction, straight, diagonally, backwards, forwards or sideways.
Each player must gradually work all his pieces across the board, so that they form the words 'england' or 'germany' with a flag at each end on the last row of squares, and the one who first succeeds in doing this has won the game.
At the end of the game, the pieces must spell the words 'england' or 'germany' correctly to their respective players, while they are upsidedown to their opponents.
Any piece may leap over any other piece which is next to it, if there be a vacant square behind it, in any direction provided always that the square to which the piece moves is in the same straight line with the square from which it is moved.
A piece may also leap over a succession of any number of pieces provided that there is one vancant square between each.
A piece may leap over pieces of its own colour a well as the opponents pieces.
In leaping over a succession of pieces, the leaps are no bound to be all in the same direction, some may be diagonal, while others may be straight.
Leaping over pieces should be done as much as possible, as it enable the pieces to cross the Board much quicker than moving one square at the time.
No piece may move on to or over the ornamental square, but must cross the Boad through or over one of the two pain sqaures in the middle row.
No piece may be captured or removed from the Board,
It is not compulsory to leap over any piece.
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