Board Games Studies 2007 (part 2: The Talks)
There were several talks at the Colloquium ranging from psychology, history (we heard, for instance, about the history of Draughts, Go and Liubo), regional games (some films in India and Zanzibar where game masters play Bao) and math (the connections between math theories and chess).
Here are some pictures of one talk that defends that the Ashtapada
board was not used to play any specific race game and how the round
board found in the Kurna temple does not represent any game:
Another talk presented a study from Alex de Voogt about the tactical
similarities and differences between beginners and masters in the
complex mancala game of Bao.
The next talk showed some boards and regional designs of an old race(?) game called Liubo from China (the rules, seemingly, are lost).
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