May 8, 2019


A Board-Game for 2 Intelligent Players 
by Fred Horn © 04 / 06 /  2018 

  • 7 x 7 checkered Board
  • 24 identical Game-Pieces which can be ‘stacked’
  • Next to the Board TWO ‘Counting Tables’ to set down the SCORE
  • 2 sets of 12 Cards, one for Red; one for Green
  • 4 count-pawns (2 Red & 2 Green)

Each set contains: 4 cards with number 1; 5 cards with number 2; 3 cards with number 3

=  Place the Game-Pieces on the Board in the STARTPOSITION
=  Place the count-pawns on position ‘0’ on the Counting-Tables
=  Take for each color the 12 Cards with 1 ; 2 ; 3 , shuffle these per color and place these,
     his “stock”, -face down- next to each Player
=  Each Player takes the 2 upper cards from his “stock” in his hand
=  Red starts and plays ‘horizontal’, than Turns alternate, but Green plays ‘vertical’
=  The SCORE is recorded with his count-pawns on the Player’s Counting-Table

Player with the highest SCORE, after ALL Cards have been played, WINS

+  The Red Player (playing horizontal) starts, then Turns alternate
+  In his Turn a Player chooses with which card out of his hand he will play this Turn
    The number on that card gives the amount of ‘steps’ the Player must move a game-piece
    or a ‘stack’ of game-pieces
    N.B. 1 step is going from a white square to the next white square in the Player’s direction
             ‘horizontal’ or ‘vertical’. (Move is possible in both in 2 directions: horizontal left or
             right; vertical up or down)
    # If possible, the Player must end his move on an occupied white square, either with 1 or
    with a -‘stack’ of pieces- by placing the played game-piece(s) on top
    His ‘SCORE’ in this Turn is the total number of game-pieces in the new formed “stack”,
    which ‘SCORE’ is recorded on the Player’s Counting-Table by adding the scored number
    # If it is not possible to move to an occupied square the Player must move either a single
       piece or a -‘stack’ of pieces- to an empty white square in his direction
       This generates a negative ‘SCORE”: minus 1 point when 1 piece has been moved; 
       minus 2 points when a ‘stack’ has been moved; and minus 4 points when no possible
       move is available
+  After recording his ‘SCORE”, the played card is than removed and ‘out of the game’
    Player takes the upper card from his “stock” to get again 2 cards in his hand and his Turn
    ends and it is the opponent’s Turn
+  It is not allowed to form in a Turn a ‘stack’ higher than 6 game-pieces
    # When a ‘stack’ of 6 pieces has been formed it cannot move again and stays put   
+  When ALL cards are played the game ends and the Player with the highest ‘SCORE’ WINS

The game described above is the first of a series of games where the ‘SCORE’s are cumulated recorded. The first Player reaching a total ’SCORE’ over 99 (or any other number agreed before) WINS
The Player who lost the former game starts the next one etc. etc.

Add two “4-Cards” to and remove one 2-Card from each Players “stock”

Game-play is like the ‘normal’ game but when a 4-Card is ‘opened’ the move is different:
+  When a 4-Card is opened during a Player’s Turn the Player has to move as follows:
    He can start his move with any piece or ‘stack’ (not the 6-high) and must play (move)
    with it at least 1 step in his direction. He can also choose for 2 or 3 steps if possible.
    For the rest of his move he must play diagonally BACKWARDS (either 3, 2, or 1 step,
    which is allowed in both possible directions) and he must end his Turn always on a single
    piece or a ‘stack’ according to the rules.
+  After the first  4-Card has been used by a Player he is also allowed to move BACKWARDS
    In the same way when playing a 2- or 3-Card
+  If he can only end on an empty square when going BACKWARDS (no other move is
    available) he counts minus 3 as his ‘SCORE’; and minus 5 points when no possible move is

VARIANT 2 gives Players the opportunity to change game-pieces from ONE of the white-square-play-area’s (of 12 white squares) to the OYHER area.                                                    F.H.

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