May 15, 2019


A board-Game for 2 or 3 Players
Fred Horn 21/06/2011; adapted 12/06/2017
  • 64 Play-triangles (24 Red; 24 Green; 16 Black)
  • 48 Triangles with one side Red and the other side Green  plus
  • 8 Red/Black and 8 Green/Black Triangles
  • The Triangles can be placed over three adjacent Pegs of the Game-Board
Game-Board with 48 Pegs 
For a faster 2-Player-game the Game-Board may be reduced by NOT USING the 21 outer Pegs at the edge of the Board. The Pegs are as high as three piled up Play-triangles (next picture in profile)
Object of the Game: The aim is to end up with more Pegs surrounded by your colour at the top most level.

  • When playing with two Players each Player takes 24 ‘triangles’ of one colour.
  • When playing with three each Player takes 16 ‘triangles’ of one colour.
  • Green starts.
  • In his Turn a Player puts one of his ‘triangles’, with his color visible, over three Pegs, on the Board, or above already placed ‘triangles’.
  • No more than three ‘triangles’ may be piled up over a Peg.
  • A ‘triangle’ can not layed down directly upon another one beneath. At least on one Peg, a ‘triangle’  has to be in between, piled up over the first laid  ‘triangle’ .
    • this may be of the same colour!

                       A ‘white’ can be played on level      A ‘black’ can be played on level
                          2/3 covering the ‘white’ below         3/2 covering the ‘black below

  • The Holes of a ‘triangle’ are allowed to end on different levels of it’s Pegs.
    • Over one Peg the colour of the ‘triangles’ on all 3 levels may be different or the same.
  • When no ‘triangle can be placed anymore Game ends.
Winner: At the end of the game each Player counts those Pegs surrounded by their own colour when viewed from above. The Player with the highest score Wins.

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