Jul 6, 2005

Two uncommon progressive variants (1/2)

Same as Scottish Progressive Chess except that all moves within a turn are with different pieces, (castling counts both).

Game example:

 1. e4    
 2. e5  Nf6
 3. Nc3 Nf3 Bc4
 4. Bb4 O-O Nc6 d6
 5. O-O d4  a4 Bd2 Qe2
 6. B:c3 Nd4 c5 b5 a6 h5
 7. N:d4 b:c3 Bb3 Bc1 Rb1 Qf3
 8. c:d4 a5 Bg4 Rc8 Qb6 g6 Kg7
 9. Bb2  c:d4 Rfc1 Kh1 Qe2 f3
10. e:d4 Be6 b4 h4 Rh8 g5 Nh5 Kg6 Rc6 Qc7
11. a:b4 B:e6 B:d5 Ra1 c3 Rb1 Qd2
12. a:b4 d5 R:e6 f5 Nf6
13. B:f6 d4 c:b4 Ra2 Qd3 e:f5+
14. K:f6 Re8 Re3 Qf4
15. b5   Rd1 Rb2 Qf1
16. K:f5 Rb8 Re5 h3
17. b6 Rb5 Rdb1 g3 Kg1 Qd3+
18. Kf6 Q:f3 g4
19. b7 R:d5 Rb2 Q:f3+
20. g:f3 Re2 R:b7
21. R:b7 Re5
22. resign

Final Position

. . . . . . . .
. R . . . . . .
. . . . . k . .
. . . . R . . .
. . . O . . . .
. . . . . p O p
. . . . r . . O
. . . . . . K .

This variant provides more 'natural' games that the typical progressive rules. It is more similar to FIDE chess and, in a sense, captures more closely the army metaphor behind the original chess concept (at a given time, every soldier should be able to move).

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